• Blogging to Become Debt Free

    Save Money or Pay Off Debt?

    Have you asked yourself this question? I know I have because I’m torn between the two. I want to do both. Then I asked myself, do I try to do both at once or just focus on one first, then the other afterwards? After much thinking, reading and researching, the answer became very clear to me on whether to save money or pay off debt.

    My top two reasons for saving:

    1. In the event of an emergency or unexpected expense (such as an expensive car repair), and…

    2. If I lose my job, which in these trying (coronavirus) times, could be a possibility. You never know.

    So, it would be great to have money set aside for either of these things. Now, with that being said, I also have two big reasons to pay off debt first. The only debt I really have left is my one credit card (and the money I owe my mom, which she has said she doesn’t want back but I still want to pay her). Anyway, here are the two reasons I want that paid off:

    1. The credit card has a high interest rate, and…
    2. To be completely debt free. I can’t wait for the feeling I’ll have when that day comes!

    So again, the big question, save money or pay off debt? The one that ended up making most sense to me in the end was to pay off the debt first. The less time I want to be paying high interest fees, the better!

    I think that if my interest fees were a fair amount lower, I’d be more willing to do both save and pay off debt, but to me, it doesn’t make sense to save money only to sit there paying interest fees. That’s more money I could be saving after all.

    I’m currently going hard on my credit card, which actually feels pretty great. Looking at my monthly statements seeing that amount going down each time, mixed with my credit rating going up, is quite fantastic. Any unexpected or extra money I get, goes to that, and I won’t stop until that debt is gonzo!

  • Blogging to Become Debt Free

    How COVID-19 Changed My Money Mindset – Part II

    As I mentioned from a couple of posts ago, the pandemic has changed my money mindset to a different level. A level where I wonder things such as “What if I suddenly can’t work?” or “What if I get sick?”, among other questions. So I made some changes.

    These fears made me not want to spend money…at all. Where I live, we had all non-essential businesses (malls, restaurants, etc.) shut down for awhile, and things were strict with going out, etc. Unless you shopped online, which I didn’t, there weren’t many places to spend money. However, my mindset had shifted, and I didn’t want to spend money anyway.

    Now, I’m a single mom of two, so when it comes to my debt payoff, it is a challenge, but when all you’re really doing is sitting at home and going to work, it becomes a tad easier. I realized that I was starting to save money more than before, without struggling. I wasn’t living paycheck to paycheck which was a pretty great feeling.

    I then found out about a deal going on with an online bank account, called Tangerine. They were offering a higher interest savings account for several months. My boyfriend has had an account with them for years now, and was able to vouch for them, as I was a bit sketchy about such a good deal. They are also a sister company to a much larger well-known bank, Scotiabank, which helped to instill confidence in them.

    So I signed up for both a chequing and savings account with them two months ago, and the interest from the savings account has been great!

    Another thing I looked at was my internet bill. Wow, how it had skyrocketed throughout time. I even talked with a couple of friends who agree that that was a high amount. So, I got on the phone with my internet company and asked them to lower it. They gave me a six month deal which is now saving me $35.00 per month. I will call back in six months to see what else they can do for me once that goes back up again.

    I also went through my online banking for this year so far, and looked at what I had been spending money on and how much. I realized I could definitely cut back on some things. It’s funny when you take a look at what you’ve been spending and realize how you don’t notice the little things that really add up!

    One of the things that I noticed was higher than I thought was my grocery spending. I’ve become more conscious of that now. Also, where I shop, they have this points system where certain food items in the store get you points if you buy them. They differ every week and show you the deals on their app, which I have. Once you get a certain amount, you can use them as “money” to help pay for your groceries. So, I now have really started paying attention to what these deals are each shopping trip and plan my meals around these items. I have definitely noticed a difference on how quickly my points add up now! It’s become somewhat of a game to me to see how many points I can get each week.

    I think that about covers the majority of how my mindset has shifted in regards to how I’m spending, or rather not spending, my money these days. Do you find a difference in your mindset with money since COVID-19 has begun? Or maybe it shifted for another reason? I’d love to hear your stories.

  • Blogging to Become Debt Free

    Surveys For Cash – Comparison Review

    Well hello again! So, I think I mentioned two posts ago that during some time at home from work due to COVID-19, I started doing some surveys for cash online.

    I was a bit worried about income because of not being able to work, and I couldn’t go anywhere, plus I was bored out of my tree to be completely honest. So, my boyfriend encouraged me to do surveys online. He refers to it as “free money” as you can do it while watching TV, waiting at a doctor’s office, etc., not to mention it’s extremely easy and some surveys are even fun!

    I figured why not get paid for sitting at home? It’s a no-brainer, really. I joined a few different survey sites. Here is a comparison review of three of the ones I participated in:

    1. Swagbucks

    Swagbucks is free to join and offers a wide range of ways to earn money from them. Nope, not just surveys either!

    How to Earn – doing surveys, purchasing gift cards (I always buy a $250 gift card for the grocery store I shop at because I know I’ll use it!), watching videos, downloading apps/free trials, earning cashback when shopping at a variety of stores, reaching your Daily Goal with them, searching the web through their app/website, referrals, scanning your receipts, etc.

    Surveys – they offer a variety of surveys on a daily basis typically ranging from 25 – 150 Swagbucks that take anywhere from 5 – 30 minutes generally.

    Pay – you can redeem your Swagbucks either through PayPal or buy one of the popular gift cards they offer. I personally do the PayPal option every time because I like the moula!

    Bonus: You receive $5 just for signing up.

    Sign up for Swagbucks today to start earning.

    2. LegerOpinion (Leo)

    LegerOpinion, also known as Leo, is another free website where you can complete surveys for cash. They have over 400,000 members approximately, making them a pretty popular online survey site.

    How to Earn – completing surveys, monthly draws (for money or gift cards).

    Surveys – they typically have new surveys on a daily basis. The bonus from them is that they will many times notify you by email that there is a new survey available. You don’t always get a notification though so make sure to check the app/website for new ones daily. Surveys typically range from 500 – 1500 points and take, on average, 10 – 15 minutes to complete.

    Pay – the minimum cashout amount is 20,000 points ($20.00) for the most part. You can redeem them through PayPal, for gift cards or even Air Miles.

    Bonus: Not every survey is going to allow you to complete it (on any survey site), but on Leo, you will receive 50 points and either one or two monthly draw entries every time you do get kicked out of a survey.

    Sign up for Leo to get started now.

    3. Survey Junkie

    Last, but not least, Survey Junkie is a well known survey website that caters to over 10 million members. It’s free to join and offers a great selection of surveys on a daily basis.

    How to Earn – first of all, by completing your profile, you will earn points right away! Also, completing surveys.

    Surveys – they have several surveys available daily ranging from 5 – 100 points generally. They are usually 5 – 30 minutes in length. If you don’t qualify for a survey, they still reward you with 2 or 3 points.

    Pay – Survey Junkie is only available in the U.S., Canada and Australia. In all three countries, you can redeem points through PayPal. In the U.S. only, you can also choose an e-gift card if you prefer instead.

    Bonus: The minimum payout with Survey Junkie is only $5.00.

    Sign up with Survey Junkie and earn today.

    My Favourite – I have personally tried each and every one of these websites/apps and yes, I have a favourite for sure. The one I like best is Swagbucks. Why? They have the most ways (by far!) to make money. Survey sites will not make you rich, but Swagbucks has earned me the most out of all of these, hands down.

    Tips: There are many reputable survey sites out there. Wherever you choose to do your surveys for cash, just remember that they should never ask you for money to join. Second, when signing up, the more information you fill out in your profile, the better. That way, you may be chosen for more surveys, as they choose you depending on your demographics, etc.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of these.

  • Blogging to Become Debt Free

    How COVID-19 Changed My Money Mindset

    Hello! I hope all is well with you in these hard times.

    I always try to find a silver lining in any kind of tough situation, and COVID-19 has been no exception. Actually, I didn’t seek a silver lining in this case…I just kind of realized it one day.

    How did it change? Well, I have become even better with my money now. Why? To sum it up in one very vulnerable word, fear. I fear getting sick and not being able to work, for one thing. Where I live, the government is currently giving “relief money” for that, but it’s less than what I make with my job, and also, I am sure at some point, they will stop paying that. After all, they can only afford to do that for so long. There is always unemployment insurance, but that is only a percentage of my regular pay, so again, less than what my job pays.

    So, my money mindset had changed due to these fears because I am now even more careful of my money. I have one credit card that I am still paying down, and I am currently going “gung ho” on it because if I get sick and/or lose my job, I now, more than ever, don’t want to worry about debt.

    After that one credit card is paid off, I will be completely debt free and want to then focus on an “emergency fund”. I want to save up enough money to get me through at least 3 months of not working, just in case.

    Because of this money mindset change, I have actually never felt better about my future. That’s an odd feeling to have with COVID-19 instilling fear into me to be able to have this change.

    Weird how something so positive can happen from something so terrible. I would love to hear if you have any inspirational stories coming from these past several difficult months.

  • Blogging to Become Debt Free

    COVID-19 – 60+ Companies Hiring Now!

    Hello! I know that we are all going through a stressful time right now, whether it be fear of you or your loved ones contracting the coronavirus, changes in your community, cancelled events, closed establishments or job loss.

    I am fortunate to still have a job, but I haven’t been working for the past two weeks due to a minor sore throat. I would normally not stay home because of a sore throat, but have had to due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    However, you may be completely out of a job at the moment, either due to COVID-19, or maybe another reason. Either way, I have done some research to come up with some companies that are hiring right now. Yes, during the pandemic! So, I am hoping to help you out by sharing this list with you. There are over 60 (yes, 60+!) companies hiring several workers right now. Without further ado, here is the link to the list:


    I truly wish you the best in your search. Stay safe everyone!

  • Blogging to Become Debt Free

    COVID-19 – At Home/No Work

    Hey you! I hope you are staying safe in these tough times. If there were ever a time where we all needed to work together as a team, it’s now. Speaking of work, I started getting a sore throat almost two weeks ago now (13 days ago to be precise). I was told by my health authority where I live that I should self-isolate just until my symptom goes away (as a sore throat isn’t one of the major symptoms of COVID-19). So, I’ve been at home since then; no work, no income.

    So, I’m on day 13 and my sore throat is still present. I’ve done all that I can to try and get rid of it, talked to 3 different doctors, had testing done, been on 2 different prescriptions, and followed suggestions from the doctors on different things to try. Nothing has worked so far.

    So, in my time at home, twiddling my thumbs, I have had no income coming in, as I mentioned. I have applied for unemployment funds from my government, but of course that will take time for me to actually receive.

    I decided to make at least a bit of income, at the advice of my boyfriend, and do what he does in his spare time just for a bit of extra coin in the pocket. Surveys for money.

    Surveys will by no means make you rich, or even replace your full-time income, but if you’re stuck at home by yourself, with no income at the moment, you might as well do something to make some extra money.

    So, I joined 3 survey websites. Then I joined 5 more. I’ve been working on these for the time being. I have decided to start logging my progress on them as of a couple days ago so I can share with you the best ones out of those.

  • Blogging to Become Debt Free

    My Debt – It’s Been Awhile

    Hey all! Wow, it’s been a long, long, loooong time since I’ve posted! I will start by saying that since my last post, my debt has been a bit of a roller coaster but I’m getting back on track now. It’s a good feeling. So, here is where I’m at with my debt from the beginning (comparing from my very first blog post):

    First Post (July 6, 2018):

    Mastercard #1 – $723.56

    Mastercard #2 – $3693.92

    Bed Loan – $1432.32

    Car Loan – $6188.07

    Mom – $6700

    Current (March 15, 2020):

    Mastercard #1 – $921.60

    Mastercard #2 – $5787.75

    Bed Loan – PAID OFF!

    Car Loan – PAID OFF!

    Mom – $6700 (she doesn’t want it back, but I insist)

    So, there are obviously positives and negatives to my debt progress. My credit cards are what I need to work on, and I have started to. Because I no longer have my car loan, I have started putting that extra money towards my credit card debt. I have also started to look into apps that can give me a bit of cash back for different things. I will keep you posted on what I find out…

  • Blogging to Become Debt Free

    15 Cheap Date Ideas (Free Ones Too!)

    Confession time; I’m in the dating world right now. It’s scary out here! Aside from that, I went on a date the other evening and it got me thinking. We went ice-skating at an indoor rink. No cost whatsoever, except the gas money to drive there of course. So, I thought, because I’m on a budget (and I don’t want him paying for every date either of course), what are some cheap date ideas that we can do together? So I decided to come up with a list and share it with you all too!

    1. Roller or Ice Skating.  Obviously, I had to put this one on the list. I had a great time on this date and because I was rusty, I held onto him the entire time. So you see, it brings you closer to your date. Win-win. Head to an indoor or outdoor rink, or where I live, we have a river trail that is beautiful to ice-skate on in the winter months. Afterwards, you could even go for a hot chocolate somewhere. Perfect inexpensive date night!
    2. Bike Ride or Walk.  Do you have a scenic park, bike trail or forest area close by? This makes my list of cheap date ideas because I’ve also been on a date like this too. It makes for a great first date with someone if you are in a very public area (of course) because you can take in the scenery while getting to know each other on a beautiful day (make sure the forecast doesn’t call for rain or anything!). The best part – it’s free!
    3. Museum or Other Historic Site.  I actually thought of this one yesterday because I have been wanting to go to my local museum that I haven’t been to in years and just read about all of the history. So, I texted my ice-skating date from the other night and asked him if he’d be interested in going with me there sometime on a date, and he said yes. So, I looked online at the admission rates and the cost was low so…perfect!
    4. Comedy Club.  We have a well known comedy club where I live that has special admission rates on certain days of the week. Do you? How can you have a bad date night at a comedy club, right? This is one of those cheap date ideas that will guarantee laughter…assuming the comedian(s) is funny of course.
    5. Festival.  A festival is great free entertainment for a date.  There are all kinds of different festivals on at certain times of the year you can attend.
    6. Miniature Golf.  This is a classic for a cheap date idea, so I had to add it to my list. I actually went on a first date doing mini golf before and it was fun. We poked fun at each other’s horrible golfing skills and got jokingly competitive. Great way to break the ice.
    7. Local Band.  Like music? Check out a local band in your area over a drink or coffee.
    8. Art Gallery.  If you are the artsy types, heading out to an art gallery would be a great cheap date idea! Picture hand-holding, conversation, and you both trying to determine the meaning behind each art piece. You could make a game of it.
    9. Picnic.  Obviously, this one is for nicer weather days. Enjoy an outing at a beautiful park or scenic place. Romantic and inexpensive!
    10. Rent a Canoe/Kayak or Go on a Boat Tour.  This is another one for a nicer day. If you like to be active, renting a canoe or kayak would be the way to go, and if you are not active, the boat tour would be a great alternative and both make for a great cheap date idea!
    11. Cook a New Recipe Together.  Pick out a recipe together, go to the store to pick up the groceries needed, together and then cook the recipe, yep you guessed it…together. See the common theme there. Together. It’s a fun way to create and share a meal with each other. Afterwards, a movie at home completes this inexpensive date!
    12. Games Night.  Have a games night at home together, or with friends…or where I live, we have board game cafes which are fun if you want to get out, and you have these in your area.
    13. Take a Class Together.  This is a fun and creative way to spend your evening. There are classes for many different things such as dance, cooking, creating something crafty, yoga, learning a new skill, etc. Many classes are very inexpensive…Groupon is a great way to find classes for super cheap.
    14. Cheap Movie.  Where I live, we have movies that play outdoors in a big public park…for free! So, if you have that type of thing in your area, it makes for a great cheap date idea. Or, many theatres have cheaper movie nights so taking advantage of those is always good too.
    15. Coupon Site.  Check out a coupon site for any deals in your area where you can enjoy a nice evening out together. A lot of coupons have 2-for-1 deals and things like that.

    So, there you have it. A list of some nice cheap date ideas for you and your significant other to still be able to get out together and not feel some “empty wallet syndrome” afterwards.

    Do you have any others to add to this list? Please feel free to share!

  • Blogging to Become Debt Free

    Debt Free Journey Update

    Hey everyone! I have some exciting news; I paid off one of my Mastercards. Woo hoo! It was my smallest debt, but it still feels great. Next, will be my “don’t pay for a year” bed loan. I will have it paid off before that year is up so I am not having to sell a kidney just to pay the high interest rates they’ll surely gouge me with. That would obviously not be good for the whole becoming debt free thing either.

    I also bought two more books I wanted to read on personal finance. I’m not sure if I mentioned in a previous post or not, but I finished reading one that I bought before too. I wanted to read a few just to get different views and ideas on what others have done to become debt free. I will be starting to read one of them tonight.
    Side Note: I bought all three books with an old gift card I hadn’t fully used yet, so no moula out of my pocket.

    Another thing I’m now learning about is investing. I have a TFSA and an RRSP, but I want to look more into investing in stocks on my own. I am going to learn everything I can on investing and once I am confident and comfortable with it, I will invest. It will take awhile, but it is definitely on my debt free journey “To Do” list.

    So, due to my youngest daughter’s recent birthday and Halloween (costumes for both kids), I got a tad low on funds until my next payday so I used some of my grocery store points ($50.00 worth) to help pay for my groceries, so I’ll be working hard on building those points back up. I like to use them for times like these. Saves me some money. Every little bit counts!

    So, that’s about it for my little debt free journey update. I will keep adding updates and posts on any information that could be helpful for you all out there too. Thanks for reading!

  • Blogging to Become Debt Free

    Why I REALLY Fell Off the Wagon

    Hey all. In my previous post (yesterday), I mentioned that I kind of “fell off the wagon” with how well I was doing with my money. The reason for it is hard for me to talk about, as it really put me in a depressed state. I am just starting to recover from it now, but I still have my hard days.

    I received some very bad news a month and a half ago. Someone I was close to passed away. He committed suicide. I had only known him for a year, but in that year, we had grown close. I loved him very much. He had had a rough time throughout the year, which I tried so hard to help him through. He also had support from two loving family members, but in the end, none of us could help him. The depression from the mental illness just overtook him.

    This hit me hard. I had only ever dealt with grandparents and a cat dying up until now, and they all died at old ages so it’s something you expect. Of course they were all very sad deaths, but it was different.

    So, I went into a very depressed state. There were a whole range of emotions that I was feeling. It was overwhelming actually. I had a lot of support from family and friends but none of it felt like enough. I just couldn’t handle the way I was feeling. I did seek counselling but once I started looking into it, I suddenly had a shift in moods and began to feel better. It was really strange actually.

    Anyway, one of the many emotions I was feeling was that, other than my amazing kids, I didn’t care about anything else. I didn’t want to go to work. I didn’t want to go anywhere, other than home. It was a hard mood to deal with, and even harder to admit on here, but it was the truth. So, I stopped caring about saving money. I didn’t go overboard with spending but I wasn’t careful either and spent money on certain things that I didn’t actually need.

    I’m doing better now than I was. Time heals all wounds, right? So, I am now back on track and ready to get back into tackling this debt. I didn’t write this post as an excuse for my bad spending. I shouldn’t have gotten off track with it, period. But, it is amazing how a horrible event can affect your thinking on things.

    So I guess the moral of the story here is, if you have a “hiccup” in your debt-free plan because of a bad day, or a bad event, etc., forgive yourself and try to get back on the right track as soon as you can. We are all human and we all have to deal with hard times sometimes. Until next time…